Takashi Murakami

Oval Buddha


村上隆,银椭圆大佛,2008,纯银、大理石底座(局部) Takashi MURAKAMI, Oval Buddha, 2008, sterling silver, marble base (detail).jpg(小).jpg
村上隆,银椭圆大佛,2008,纯银、大理石底座 3 Takashi MURAKAMI, Oval Buddha, 2008, sterling silver, marble base 3.jpg(小).jpg

Takashi Murakami is one of Japan's most important contemporary artists. He has successfully dispelled the boundaries between fine art and popular art. This bizarre sculpture reflects Murakami's evolving body, mind, and spirit, as well as his unbroken pursuit of culture, country, religion, and the current state of art. A portrait of the artist is incorporated into one face of the sculpture, while the other face presents the image of a kappa from Japanese folklore. Murakami has expertly integrated sophisticated crafting techniques into this piece.

